Thursday, November 1, 2007

Rocker Mama

Tracy feels big and cumbersome and creeky. She didn't have much fun trick-and-treating last night because she had to stop and rest each stop. Not to mention the extreme numbers of kids bussed into our area, requiring us to wait in line at each house. Yes....wait in line. Sometimes 15+ kids deep (which homes we just skipped....hah, pun....witch homes?).

So I thought I'd remind her that she was not long ago a soccer playin', swimming like a fish, jogging, kicking my but in pool, rock and/or roll band, bass playing mama. And she will again; sooner than she thinks (well...maybe not the band thing, she seems done with that.).

So since this blog is at least partly about us as well as the kid(s), here's a reminder of that Tracy's a roll and roller. Not so far removed, I think:

Click Here: FALL

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

One more cracker. I mean it.

A: I need more crackers, dada!

T: No, Aubrey, it's time for bed.

A: 1 more? 2 more? 1 more time?

T: No Aubrey. You just had 2. It's time for night night.

A: One more?

T: Nope.

A: Please?

T: Nope.

A: I NEEEEED more crackers dada!

T: No Aubrey. Let's get ready for bed.

A: more time? Please?

T: NO Aubrey. It's time for bed.

A: Dada?

T: Yes?

A: I need food. I'm hungry!!

T: Aubrey, it's time for bed.


T: Aubrey...

A: I MEAN IT! I need food. Please??

T:......... more cracker.