Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Things we say (to be updated later)

  • Lately, if Tracy and I try and talk to each other in front of Aubrey it makes her mad. She says "Stop talking!! Stop talking Dada!!". Nice. Attention must be firmly on her whilest Daddy is home.
  • "Burn!!" "Burning wood!!", she say, with here eyes aglow in the light of a fire. Something a bit unnerving about it all. Need to bump up our homeowners policy.
  • "There's a bat in there!", pointing to her mouth. Or my mouth. "Spit it out!" OK.
  • "I farted.....that's so gross!!"

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I'm eating breakfast
Oatmeal drops on baby's knee
Still tastes good to me