We've wondered for a while just how much Aubrey understands and just how much of her babble we
should understand...but don't quite get. Now it seems to be clicking. Yesterday she said
"I see you!" as we played peekaboo. I think she's possibly been saying it for months. But now we get it.
This morning Tracy was in the shower and Aubrey and I were out at her fort chatting. I look over just in time to see Skootch fall into the pool. As far as I know, Skooth has NEVER fallen in. Luckily I was standing right there to help guide her to the stairs (we have a dog with very limited mental resources). Aubrey thought it was hysterical and tried to get in the pool then and there. So I strip to my boxers and take her jammies off and we get in. Last few times we've gone swimming Aubrey has had fun jumping off the top step into my arms. Same thing this morning...but with a twist. It took me a second to realize she was saying
"one...two...three..." before each jump. I couldn't believe it. We've never worked on numbers with her. Not really. We say them all the time, I guess. But she just picked that up on her own. It was so cute. Genius.