I don't know why I was surprised to realize that Aubrey is capable of understanding what "imaginary" is...but I was.
Aubrey hates guitar picks. Why? Who knows. If I play with my fingers...no problem. If I strum with a pick she screams "pi

So I got a cool little early birthday present for myself off Ebay. It's a Yamaha EZEG electronic learning guitar. I thought it would be fun to play with it and let Aubrey bang on it. It has buttons on the frets and fake plastic strings on the body. The other day I was strumming away, not using a pick, but holding my fingers like I was. Aubrey screams "pick" and runs up to grab it. I explained that there's no pick and that I was playing with an imaginary pick. So she takes the guitar from me, holds her fingers like she's holding a pick, and proceeds to strum away. She even went off to show Tracy her "imini pick", which consists of her thumb and index finger in a pinch position. Her pick is pink, by the way. Or so she says.