Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Charlotte keeps talking up a storm. We can't even list the words she knows. Too many. Each morning we bring her to bed when she wakes up for 10 minutes of extra sleep/snuggling/eyepoking (our eyes, her fingers). This morning after a few minutes Charlotte bonks me on the head and says, "WAKE!!". I turned my head towards her just in time for another bonk and a "WAKE UP!!"
Keep in mind, this is a 16 month old. The other morning we got a "TWO!!" out of her after I said, "One"...so she's already thinking she can count. She says, "donwanchu" all the time, which means, "Don't want to". Yep. She's past the "no" phase and went straight for multi-word combinations. "Letsgo" is another favorite.


One morning as we lay around talking...
Aubrey: I'm sad.
Me: Why are you sad?
Aubrey: Because you yelled at me last night and told me to go to sleep.
Me: Well, that was last night and you were a good sleeper, so I'm not upset.
Aubrey: But you yelled at me and it made me sad and I can't dream any more.
Me: Um....
Aubrey: **taps her heart** You hurt my life.


That was a couple weeks ago. Just the other day she mentioned her "life" in connection to dancing and how dancing makes her "life" happy. To Aubrey, her heart IS her life, and that's just fine with me.