Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Charlotte keeps talking up a storm. We can't even list the words she knows. Too many. Each morning we bring her to bed when she wakes up for 10 minutes of extra sleep/snuggling/eyepoking (our eyes, her fingers). This morning after a few minutes Charlotte bonks me on the head and says, "WAKE!!". I turned my head towards her just in time for another bonk and a "WAKE UP!!"
Keep in mind, this is a 16 month old. The other morning we got a "TWO!!" out of her after I said, "One"...so she's already thinking she can count. She says, "donwanchu" all the time, which means, "Don't want to". Yep. She's past the "no" phase and went straight for multi-word combinations. "Letsgo" is another favorite.

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