Aubrey has a thing for Peter Pan. Tonight she asked if we could visit Neverland. I said, "sure, when you sleep you can dream about Peter Pan." "No, daddy...not in my dreams...not pretend...I want to go to Neverland" She then proceeded to explain how Peter would be coming to visit her tonight to snuggle with her as she sleeps. Not sure how I'm supposed to take this.
I love:
1. how charlotte waves her arms when she's excited
2. that Aubrey will NOT go to sleep at night if there's a single item in her room out of place. All animals MUST be on bed and in place. No books or trash or toys allowed on the floor. Fan on. Night light on. Water on table.
3. how excited Charlotte gets when we turn on the alarm. she knows we're leaving the house.
4. that Charlotte will sleep in the car. Not "will", in fact, but "does"...every time.
5. Aubrey's love of dance
6. Aubrey's crazy mommy instincts. I get lectured ALL THE TIME about whatever it is that's on her mind. "Daddy, no more sugar for you", "Daddy, you need to be careful...let me help you go potty so that you don't bump your head", "Charlotte, don't carry that. It's too heavy. No MAAM! No MAAM!",
7. how much both my girls love their bath each night. I love it even more when we get through it without Charlotte pooing in the bath.
8. Aubrey singing. She loves to sing. She knows songs I didn't know she knows. The other night I caught her mumble/singing the words to Information Society's Pure Energy.
9. Aubrey dancing. I wish everyone could see her dance. We'll put on the B-52's Rock Lobster ("the Lobster song!!!") and she'll go nuts. The part where he says, "down....down...." finds she and I laying down on the ground until the drums kick back in. funny stuff.
10. coming home. My greeting from Aubrey aren't what they use to be. But Charlotte is soooo sweet. Today she wobbled over, I picked her up and she put her head on my shoulder for a long, very sweet hug.
11. forgiveness. Charlotte is a HORRIBLE sleeper. bad. wakes up all the time. scratches and kicks and slaps my head. for hours at a time. Sits and and wants to play. And most nights I am DONE with that pretty quickly. I'll eventually get upset and say loudly, "CHARLOTTE...NIGHTNIGHT!!" and she'll cry and we'll have to spend more time getting her to sleep until she finally passes out on Tracy's or my head and I'll wake up 3 hours later 1/2 off the bed with a monster pinched nerve in my back. but then, 10 minutes after we wake up...she's laughing and I'm laughing and we're playing on the floor and everything is OK again....until 2AM the next night, when we start over again.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Then on a sad note :(
Went to see Family....
So Many things to post, and so little time.
We tried this year to attend as many Christmassy things as possible, because Aubrey was totally into it.
First, we went to the Christmas Parade downtown, and man - both of my girls thought that that was the greatest thing in the entire world. Aubrey loved all of the dancing girls while Charlotte was all about the drums - the louder the better.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wobbly - but walking.
Charlotte has definitely made progress over the last week or so with her walking. She wants nothing to do with it during the day, insteadf she insists on holding my hand, or being carried everywhere. But, after her bath before bed - she walks all over the place!!!! And she cracks up doing it. She will be one in 2 days, so Aubrey walked much earlier, but I guess I am not supposed to compare, right?
I don't have pics of her walking yet, but here she is playing outside.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
We went to the fair and had a lot of fun. Aubrey didn't scream this time. She even rode a couple of rides. Well, 1 ride and the carousel. Funnel cake and cotton candy and corn dogs. Charlotte didn't care about dancing dogs so we let her crawl all over the nasty floors. We watched the swan boats float around. Was a nice afternoon.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Birthday and such
Aubrey's 3rd birthday party featured the Creature Teacher who brought a rabbit, chinchilla, hedgehog, Guini pig, turtle and parrot. I can't remember the last time I've seen so many 2-4 year olds sit so still and attentive. After the creatures we opened up a bag of 4500 live ladybugs and let the kids go nuts. Some did go nuts once the bugs got up their shirts. Fun, fun!
Tracy spent all night making these cupcakes! Black icing = lots of little smeared black faces.

She also loves to get her hands messy. Loves to eat. Squishes it up in her paws and crams it in. Aubrey took one look at her piece of cake her first birthday and started screaming in fright. I don't think we'll have that problem with Charlotte.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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