Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Things she says at the age of 2:

Tracy was changing her diaper the other day when she said, "NO! MY poopies!". She's saying "my" a lot these days in taking posesion of her little world.

"See mommy?" What she says to me each morning when I go into her room to get her out of bed. She wants to go see mommy and give her a hug.

"Go IHOP?". What she asks for almost daily. I think we may have to give in and take her tomorrow for her birthday. We've gone there a few times and she thinks it's the best place on Earth.

"one more time???" We hear this MANY times each day.

"I got peepee. Need new diaper." Yep.

"No, no, no. hush, hush." To the dogs.

"Get outta here?" Whenever we've stayed somewhere too long for her attention span.

"smells beautiful!" Usually from sniffing a candle.

Favorite words:
rella (cinderella), rella (gorilla), rella (umbrella), IHOP, zoo, castle, mermaid, princess ("mommy princess!" seeing pictures of Tracy in her wedding gown), fwow white, bicycle (which means ether bicycle or fudgesickle), delicious, dumbo, throw high?, and many more I can't think of right now.

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