Monday, June 1, 2009


Big step last night. Over the weekend we sold the big furniture and pared Aubrey's room down to just a few larger items. Then last night....WE MOVED CHARLOTTE INTO AUBREY'S ROOM! For the record, this is Tommy writing this - not Tracy. Tracy wouldn't have used caps there.

Don't get me wrong. I already miss her too. But I mostly miss what has already passed by us several months ago when she was a tiny lil' thing in our bed. When she would only sleep holding my hand. When she kicked me all night in the face and pushed me to the very edge of the bed so that she could curl up in my crook. When we got a full night of soft baby sighs. That's all gone. Now she's growing up and falling alseep on her own and waking up wanting to play. So we moved her into Aubrey's room and with a little coaxing, got her to sleep. Aubrey did her part as well, staying quiet in bed until she fell alseep instead of her usual nightly song and dance routine (I mean song and dace as a literal statement). I'm sure this week will be more headache than ease, but it's a nice step to take and both girls seem excited to finally share that room.

On that note, this morning (with a 5:30AM wakeup and Aubrey racing into our room screaming "Charlotte's awake!!!!") I was outside with the girls on the swing. Aubrey started chatting with Charlotte as they swayed side by side.
"I'm so happy to have you Charloote. You know - you'll always have me as your big sister! I will be your mommy if you want me to."

On and on. It was the sweetest thing I've heard in a long time. They truly love each other.


1 night later edit. Spent last night on the floor of their room. Charlotte keeps waking up crying. Aubrey feels she needs to run and tell me (we have a monitor, so we're VERY well aware). I finally camped on the floor so that I could respond each time she woke up. Hopefully this only lasts a few days.

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